MAY 2024

Martinů fest 2024 | Musical-literary evening

Sunday 19 May 2024, 7.00 pm
Tyl House, Polička, CZ

František HALAS: Já se tam vrátím… (I will return there...)
Bohuslav MARTINŮ: Sonatas for cello and piano

Jaromír Meduna (narration)
Václav Petr (cello)
Ivo Kahánek (piano)

The commentary is in Czech only.

In his poetic prose I will return thereFrantišek Halas glorifies the Vysočina Region (part of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands). In this region, although "the fields promise poverty", it is nevertheless rich in musical, literary and other greats. Bohuslav Martinů is a native of Polička, whose music will be excellent combined with the confession of the landscape of his childhood, especially his cello sonatas.

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