JULY 2023
Let's talk about Martinů over a cup of tea
On July 2, 2023, a meeting of the International Martinů Circle branch in Japan took place in Tokyo, which was attended not only by IMC members, but also by many other fans of Czech music.
The meeting was called "Let's talk about Martinů over a cup of tea".
The organizers were Yukiko Sawa and Yasuko Ogida, who also moderated the entire event.
Of course, the meeting included music, not only by Bohuslav Martinů, but also by other Czech composers (Fibich, Dvořák, Smetana, Janáček).
The following compositions were performed by Bohuslav Martinů: Fairy Tale and Dance of the Puppets from the cycle Puppets I, (Kyo Ota and Akari Sawa), and Scherzo for flute and piano (flute: Yuri Oshida, member of the IMC, piano: Yukiko Sawa)