Bohuslav Martinu Days 2013

1 December 2013, 19,30
HAMU, Prague, Martinu Hall
Concert of the winners of Bohuslav Martinu Competition in the field of violin
Rezervations: fbm @volny.cz
9 December 2013, 19,30
HAMU, Prague, Martinu Hall
Concert in the occasion of 90th birthday of Viktor Kalabis (in memoriam), composer and past president of Bohuslav Martinu Foundation
Viktor Kalabis: String Quartet no.2
Viktor Kalabis: String Quartet no 6 „Homage to Bohuslav Martinu“
Bohuslav Martinu: String Quartet no. 5, H. 268
Martinů Quartet
Rezervations: fbm @volny.cz.
11, 12, and 13 December, 19,30
Rudolfinum, Dvorak Hall, Prague
Bohuslav MARTINU: Double-Concerto for two String Orchestras, Piano and Timpani, H 271
Anton BRUCKNER: Symphony no. 9 d minor
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
Kent NAGANO – dirigent
Tickets: www.ceskafilharmonie.cz