Jiří Rožeň makes his debut with BBC Philharmonic

Young Czech conductor Jiří Rožeň made his debut with BBC Philharmonic on September 26, when they performed Martinů's final symphony, his 'Fantaisies symphoniques', and one of Dvořák’s Serenade for Strings. The performance was broadcasted live on BBC Radio 3. 

Jiří Rožeň © C. Totman

Jiří Rožeň is a new rising star of conducting. In the last few year he made his debut with the Czech Philharmonic, Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra (among others at Prague Spring Festival), Wiener Concert-Verein or with Kölner Philharmonie and worked as an assistant conductor of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra.

The Symphony No. 6 was premiered in 1955, when the Boston Symphony Orchestra celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary and Martinů, who had been a friend of the orchestra's chief conductor Charles Munch, dedicated one of his best works to Munch and his orchestra. It is well known that Martinů used several measures from his Juliette in this work.

You can listen to the concert on BBC until October 26.