Nové články o Martinů

1. Reasserting the Centrality of Musical Craft:  Martinů and his American Diaries, by Svatos, Thomas D (The Musical Times 2 (2009), 55-70.

Článek se zabývá tím, jak Martinů nazíral na estetiku kompozice a hudby. 

Abstract:  This article presents a summary of Martinů’s aesthetic priorities as found in the composer’s American Diaries.  Topics explored include Martinů’s refutation of hermeneutic and formal analysis; his views on the creative process of composition; his views on musical epistemology; his views on musical reception; and his thoughts on performance practice and compositional pedagogy.  It seeks to challenge some commonly held assumptions about the composer, such as his purported indifference to his own works.  The article concludes with a reappraisal of Martinů’s creative legacy in light of his desire to reestablish musical craftsmanship as the central premise in musical culture.



2. Martinu´s "Impressive Quiet" by F. James Rybka and Sally Ozonoff (The Journal of Dvorak Society for Czech and Slovak Music, Volume 23, 2003/2004, published 2009